Sunday, July 29, 2012


The insomnia monster has come to visit again. It's been pretty vocal this time, saying things like "Nope, no sleep til 3 am." or " no sleep until daylight." And, the insomnia monster brought an awesome gang this time. Such lovelies such as summer flu, hives from some hidden wheat source, 90 degree plus weather, and high fever. Oh! and let's not forget about the insomnia monster's best friend, anxiety.
One of the main factors that has helped out good ol' anxiety to settle in here is the fact that I feel like we're being overrun by box elder beetles. I've smooshed about 3 a day in the house, and countless more whenever I leave the building. Bugs of any kind = anxiety in the Hilary. I know intellectually that box elder beetles are harmless, just icky. The problem is I just can't handle them being in my house. I just can't. Depending on how many I've had to deal with in a day, and where they were in the house I could spend hours shaking and getting the shivers. I don't mind sending them to the big box elder tree in the sky, but bugs need to stay away from me.

However, here is Zeus.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Don't judge.

So, the fever that will not die has returned again. Woo for chronic illness. Anyway, the problem with being sick is that my mind is more than slightly cooked, and I end up watching horrible television. Today's choice is "Ancient Aliens". Now, this has been a frequent occurance for the last few months. It's the whole idea of  TV so bad it's good. And,wow, does this show fit that bill. It's all the logic leaps and bad history. And the dude with the hair. Oh, his hair.

This is Abby, my parent's gorgeous calico Frankenstein kitty. I call this her "I am overcome" face.  Or she's judging what I'm watching....

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Really brain, really?

So, there are nights, like this one, where I just wake up.  Tonight, I kind of get why I'm awake at 4 am. I'm just hot and itchy. I almost feel like I have hives, similar to how I feel when I eat wheat gluten, but I've been good for the last few days. I just don't get my skin. It's almost like it's not really a part of me, but more of  some factor I've got to fight to survive.
  Therefore, I'm on the couch with a cold pack. Oh, didn't I tell you? I've got a fever over 100 degrees. Which has just been an extra bucket of fun in this summer heat. I am now of the mindset that if someone complains about the cold  and/or snow this winter(Idaho, it will happen) I might set them on fire. Then they'd be warm.
Well, that's the last of the night rage. Here is a few pictures of my darling cats:

This is Zeus helping us change our sheets. I think this one might be one of my favorite pictures of him. He is such a snuggle bug and will sleep either right next to Chris or above my pillow.

Here is Ares assisting me while I was cutting up t-shirts donated by my buddy Keith for a t-shirt rug. I love this picture because how clearly you can see the U between Are-bear's front paws. The shirt had a quote "Boondock Saints" so, if you know that film you know there is an awesome quote full of adult language. 

And here are the boys in full on "it's too damn hot" cat melting poses. Ares is above, Zeus below.