Sunday, July 22, 2012

Don't judge.

So, the fever that will not die has returned again. Woo for chronic illness. Anyway, the problem with being sick is that my mind is more than slightly cooked, and I end up watching horrible television. Today's choice is "Ancient Aliens". Now, this has been a frequent occurance for the last few months. It's the whole idea of  TV so bad it's good. And,wow, does this show fit that bill. It's all the logic leaps and bad history. And the dude with the hair. Oh, his hair.

This is Abby, my parent's gorgeous calico Frankenstein kitty. I call this her "I am overcome" face.  Or she's judging what I'm watching....

1 comment:

  1. I ended up watching american ninja warrior the other day so I'm the last one to cast stones :)
